Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

The portable flowmeter SLS-700P StreamLux is designed for on-site control measurements of fluid flow in pipelines. Installation and preparation for operation takes several minutes. The device is accompanied by a wide range of options according to the principle “Everything is included.”
Main Features: - Compact and lightweight model.
- Allows you to measure the flow of liquid in pipelines made of any material.
- The presence of an LCD display, it is possible to adjust the settings from the front panel, manual control mode.
- Setting and locking a password on the device.
- Automatic archiving.
- Work without recharging for 12 hours.
- Comes in a silicone shockproof case.

The SLS-700F flow meter (wall-mounted) is designed for use in heavily dusty rooms or at facilities where a sudden occurrence of chaotic liquid splashing is possible. The protected housing of the device is convenient to mount on any flat surface. Installation, setup and commissioning takes less than an hour. The distance from the sensors can reach 500 meters. IP67 enclosure protection class - guarantees resistance to water jets and complete prevention of dust penetration.

The SLS-700S flow meter (in panel design) is designed to be placed in standard instrument panels. The size of the mounting cell is 150x75x250 (w/h/d). Ventilation holes are not required. A unified fastening system is provided. The distance from the sensors can reach 500 meters.

The SLS-700EX flowmeter (in explosion-proof design) is designed specifically for enterprises where there are increased requirements for the operation of devices in difficult operating conditions. The ExdIIBT4 protective shell class guarantees safe operation of the device in areas where explosive gases or vapors are present.

The Streamlux SLS-700PE portable heat meter is designed for operational measurements during the commissioning of thermal mechanical equipment, energy audit. resolving disputes between suppliers and consumers of heat, checking the operability of water and heat metering units.

Stationary heat meters Streamlux SLS-700FE are designed for continuous measurement of heat consumption in closed and open heat supply systems. They are used in housing and communal services and other areas of the national economy. They are successfully used for both technological and commercial accounting.



All StreamLux products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant StreamLux: portable and stationary wall-mounted flow meters, magnetic conventional and high temperature sensors for flow meters
  • Ultrasonic level meters StreamLux
    Ultrasonic level meters
    SLL-440F, SLL-440M, etc.
  • Flow meters for polluted waters StreamLux
    Flow meters for polluted waters
    SLD-800F, SLD-800P, etc.
  • Waste water accounting StreamLux
    Waste water accounting
    SLO-500F, SLK-100, etc.
  • Flowmeters of non-pressure channels StreamLux
    Flowmeters of non-pressure channels
    SLD-850F, SLD-850P, etc.
  • Portable flow meters StreamLux
    Portable flow meters
    SLS-720P, etc.
  • Stationary flow meters StreamLux
    Stationary flow meters
    SLS-720F, SLS-720A, etc.
  • Heat energy meters StreamLux
    Heat energy meters
    SLS-720PE, SLS-720FE, etc.
  • Ultrasonic thickness gauges StreamLux
    Ultrasonic thickness gauges
    WT100A, etc.
  • Sensors compatible StreamLux
    Sensors compatible
    HM-HT, HS-HT, TS-HT, TM-HT, etc.
  • Archive of models StreamLux
    Archive of models
    SLS-700P, etc.

About StreamLux

Energetika Company (Moscow) is a manufacturer of portable and stationary flowmeters StreamLux, which have no analogues in the world in terms of their technical characteristics, ease of installation, ease of use and reliability of operation. All StreamLux products are perfect for working on a wide variety of objects.
  • accuracy

    Thanks to a well-thought-out design, ultrasonic flowmeters demonstrate high accuracy of the results obtained.

    Each device has an ergonomic, intuitive control and demonstrates rapid data collection.

    Thanks to a wide range of configurations, the flow meters can be used at any facilities and under any conditions.

Information Board StreamLux

Learn more about our products StreamLux.
  • Price List for flow meters and sensors на сайте StreamLux
    Price List for flow meters and sensors
  • StreamLux Questionnaire поставщика StreamLux
    StreamLux Questionnaire
  • Comparative table of flow meters от производителя StreamLux
    Comparative table of flow meters


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